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This class requires the use of your MyLaurelRidge account and the CANVAS online classroom. Please follow these instructions on how to activate your MyLaurelRidge account before the first day of class: How to access MyLaurelRidge and Canvas

This class may require the use of zoom. See Zoom Class Requirements for more details.

Important: I am enrolling in this class as part of the New Economy Workforce Credential Grant Program (WCG). As a condition to receiving a grant, I agree to the following terms and conditions as specified on this site: WCG Release Form.

Links to Student Handbooks (PDF) in WES

CCMA Cert Prep Handbook
CMA Full Program Handbook
DA Handbook
Medical Scribe Handbook
Medication Aide Handbook
Phlebotomy Handbook
PSR (CMAA) Handbook

IT Handbook